Hacking Windows - Ataque a sistemas y redes Microfot
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December 10, 2022
Cracking LM and NT hashes.
Welcome to my post, today we will crack all the hashes we extract from the previous post with Mimikatz, Metasploit, Windows Credential Editor. This is one thing we can do in a pentest when we get...
ReadDecember 3, 2022
Dumping SAM and extraction LNTM hashes.
Hi welcome back to my post, I'm glad that you're here today we'll see how to dump and how to extract the SAM and NTLM hashes with difrents tools, like Metasploit, Mimikatz , pwDump7 and WCE. In this...
ReadNovember 26, 2022
Bypass UAC with Event Viwer.
Hi what's up people? I hope you had a great weekend of hacking, today we will be bypassing UAC but this time we'll use metasploit to change a little bit. Also we'll see which are the 4 steps that we...
ReadNovember 19, 2022
How abuse sdclt.exe to Bypass UAC.
Welcome to one of the parts of the book that I like the most, I recognize that we are still in the first chapter but what I am going to show you here is going to blow your mind. If you like Windows...
ReadNovember 12, 2022
How to bypass UAC with CompMgmtLauncher.
Welcome back to my blog, today I will document a POC of how to bypass the UAC with the CompMgtmLauncher. This technique is only vulnerable with Windows 7 machines so for our lab we will need a...