
November 19, 2022

How abuse sdclt.exe to Bypass UAC.

Welcome to one of the parts of the book that I like the most, I recognize that we are still in the first chapter but what I am going to show you here is going to blow your mind. If you like Windows...


November 12, 2022

How to bypass UAC with CompMgmtLauncher.

Welcome back to my blog, today I will document a POC of how to bypass the UAC with the CompMgtmLauncher. This technique is only vulnerable with Windows 7 machines so for our lab we will need a...


November 1, 2022

Inyecting Javascript with Squid.

Here we go again, sorry for not publishing so often but I was realy busy this days . For now on I will document the posts in English couse it helps me to improve my writeing skills. That being said...


September 27, 2022

Como recopilar direcciones IP públicas con Telegram e Instagram.

Hoy os voy a enseñar la importancia de qué es importante comprobar un link antes de darle clic. Todos sabemos qué hacer clic en un link puede ser desastroso y es cierto que podemos ser infectados,...
